Greek Theater BERKELEY

12x16 and 16x20

The Greek Theater in August, Billy Strings onstage. Drawn with plenty of writhing human detail, like a print of Dante’s Inferno. A partial version shown below is also available. The Greek is one of our gang’s favorite places in the Bay Area. Designed by John Galen Howard with assistance from the venerable Julia Morgan, this fabulous concrete amphitheater offers amazing views, and brutalism before it was brutal.

Background Photo. Note that this section has amazing views, but the sound quality gets a bit oblique.

Roughly the same view, earlier in the evening before the venue filled.

Progress Drawing (Above) We loved this progress image so much, we are offering it as an alternate print. I recommend a more intimate size of 8x10, but size can vary.

Amazing lighting characterizes shows at the Greek.

View of San Francisco, beyond.

The newly re-landscaped lawn area created a new upper amphitheater, and added a great level of functionality and safety. Great work on this. What an amazing place to experience a show.